
Looking to save money on your next event? Below are some options that can help you save over 25%!

  1. Pay by check, cash, or wire transfer (Bank of America, Wells Fargo, or Chase) instead of credit card and save 3.3% on the extra credit card fee
  2. Receive 10% off by referring a friend that submits a deposit for their event
  3. Receive 3% back after your event if you record a video testimonial for us during or after your event
  4. Receive 5% back after your event if you send us the recorded footage from your professional videographer that includes our services in the video (with permissions to use the video for promotional purposes)*
  5. Receive 5% back after your event if you send us the professional photos that  includes our services in the photos (with permissions to use the photos for promotional purposes)*

* Please note, the photos and videos must be from a professional company and not a standard camera by one of the guests. The material must include our services and we must agree that it is worthy of promotional use on our website.