Lauderdale Yacht Club Wedding Pictures

Venue Name: Lauderdale Yacht Club

Below is some more information about Weddings at Lauderdale Yacht Club. For any questions, feel free to call us anytime at 855.524.8866 or send us a message.

Venue Details:

  1. Address: 725 SE 12th St, Fort Lauderdale, FL 33316
  2. Phone: (954) 524-5500
  3. Website:
  4. Capacity: up to 300
  5. Price: Affordable / Moderate / Expensive
  6. Kosher Food Available? No
  7. Outdoor Area? Yes
  8. Ceremony Location? Yes




Lauderdale Yacht Club Wedding Pictures



View our wedding venue directory. If you are the venue coordinator and want to update any details on this page, or if you want to list your venue in our directory, please contact us.


Contact Us

Need more information about Lauderdale Yacht Club or have questions about other venues? Want to know if we’re available for your date? Contact us below or call +1.855.524.8866. We always return calls and emails within 24 hours.

Click here to contact us